Phillips High School Alumni Association P.O. Box 1710, Borger TX 79008
PHS Class of 1962
Early Photos
Graduation invitation cover 1962
Martha Kirkpatrick's birthday 1955
Mary Anne Svetlik's birthday 1949
Mid-50's Mary Anne Svetlik birthday
Marjo Hettick's birthday 1957
Phillips Elementary class 1951?
Phillips Elementary Mrs. Flanders third grade class 1952-53
Phillips Girl Scout Brownie Troop
Martha Kirkpatrick walking a pipe in the canyons c. 1957
Trophy winners!
Tumbling team costumes glowed under blacklight.
Carol Cochran 1955
Carol Cochran 1958
Carol Rhoten 1957
Carolyn Plumlee 1958
Cheryl Hunter 1958
Elbert Brown 1955
Francille Andress 1958
Johnnie Morgan 1958
Kahra Dake 1955
Kerry Bowling 1956
Louise Hill 1955
Louise Hill 1958
Marjo Hettick 1955
Marjo Hettick 1958
Robert Richardson 1958
Carol Stidham 1955
Clinton Brown 1955
Johnnie Garner 1955
Linda Boykin 1953
Pete Perry 1955
Sue Bearden 1953
Martha Kirkpatrick and Curt Rogers 1949
Curt Rogers 1959
Jack Gray 1955
Joana Garner 1959
Martha Kirkpatrick 1954
Vienna Howard 1958
Sandra Roscoe n.d.
More photos and bios: PHS62 Table of Links Selected photos of groups and reunions: PHS62 Groups PHS62 in 1956