PHS mascot: Phillips Blackhawks

Phillips High School
Alumni Association
P.O. Box 1710, Borger TX 79008

PHS mascot: Phillips Blackhawks


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Phillips Blackhawks Memories

Teachers & Others:
Please help us fill out this partial listing of who worked/taught when!

PHS Veterans:
Help us fill out this partial listing of who served in which branch:
Listing by class

Hutchinson County
Places still on many maps
Places, mostly company camps, now gone
Hutchinson County Map, Recent
Hutchinson County Map c. 1930


Band Memories
   Cotton Bowl 1960
   Cotton Bowl 1967

A Phillips Poem by Tommy Birch
Days of Pride and Privilege

Bus Memories

Twilight, a short story about Phillips
 by Wayne Hickman PHS '60

Please share memories in 2017!

Reunion 2012:
Borger News-Herald photos
Class of '62 celebrates 50 years

from 2013-2016 Remember to send photos so your PHS class reunion can be featured!
from 2009- 2012  
from 2008  
from 2007 & before --
from the original Phillips Blackhawks website
Page 1 [postings 1-29] 
Page 2 [postings 30-60]
Page 3 [postings 61-90]
Page 4 [postings 91-120]
Page 5 [postings 121-150]
Busted: Stories of Mr. Kimmins, mostly


Blackhawk Deaths:

Class Years 1936-1940 Class Years 1956-1960
Class Years 1941-1945 Class Years 1961-1965
Class Years 1946-1950 Class Years 1966-1975
Class Years 1951-1955 Class Years 1976-1987

Doug Adkins, Elementary school principal and teacher, died September 3, 2012. Mr. Adkins' obituary is here.
Don Blankenship, Superintendent of Phillips Schools, died April 28, 2017. His obituary is here.
Bill Clemmons, PHS Girls Basketball Coach in 1970's, died May 27, 2008. Here is a tribute to Coach Clemmons.

Frank  Badeen, Owner & Manager of Cut-Rate Grocery, died September 1, 2009. Mr. Badeen's obituary, eulogy and remembrance are here.
Murl & Guy Chivers and 66 Cleaners, a remembrance
[posted 23Aug09]
Velma Sparks England, long-time elementary school teacher, died February 7, 2011. Her obituary is here.
Zenora Herron Erdmann, long-time 4th grade teacher, died May 24, 2010.
Joed Forbus, PHS football coach, died May 20, 2013. His obituary is here.

Maurine Forbus, PHS Math teacher, died March 22, 2003. Her obituary is here.
James R. "Jocko" Harris, PHS Football coach and History teacher, died February 28, 2007. Here is Coach Harris' obituary.
Joe Hayes, coach, teacher & administrator, died February 14, 2012. His obituary is here.
Joel Lynch, coach, teacher & administrator, died July 9, 2020. His obituary is here.
Joe Means, PHS Football coach, died April 26, 2009. Here is Coach Means' obituary.
Martha Noel, PHS Biology Teacher, died August 6, 2009. Here is Miss Noel's obituary.
Freda Shuttlesworth, PHS Volleyball Coach, died September 13, 2015. Here is Mrs. Shuttlesworth's obituary.
Nora Potter Sims, PHS elementary teacher, died September 5, 2012. Here is Mrs. Sims' obituary.
Ruby Ellen Stanton, manager of the Quick Stop in Phillips for 17 years and mother of Larry Stanton PHS61, died October 28, 2009. Her obituary is here.
Elsie Ione Thompson, PHS Home Economics teacher, died July 16, 2009. Here is Mrs. Thompson's obituary.
Elba Vassar, PHS English teacher, died March 20, 2018. Her obituary is here.

Emma Martindale Whittet, 2nd and 3rd grade teacher 1942-1965 who was surprised by 30 former Phillips students showing up to help her celebrate her 100th birthday, died March 27, 2010. Her obituary is here.

Phillips Heritage:

A brief history of Phillips Petroleum Company
Thank you letter from Frank Phillips for renaming our town from Whittenburg and Pantex to Phillips, January 1938
Phillips 66 publication with 1955 feature story on Mr. Robbins, Mrs. Creel & Mrs. Hubbard
Class of 1957 website: (a good idea for ALL PHS classes)
Map of Phillips, Texas 1970's
Mid 1950's: Map of Phillips  
Partial listing of students' residences [Class of '61] 
Town of Phillips Began as Company Camp Borger News Herald, Sunday, October 8, 1978 
Oil Company Town, Facing Eviction, Digs in for Legal Battle New York Times, February 23, 1986  
Town still in hearts Amarillo Globe-News Web-posted Sunday, July 12, 2009  
School Song: Oh, the orange and the black over all ...
            [Hear the entire John Philip Sousa march "Stars & Stripes Forever" played in mp3 format by the Dallas Wind Symphony]

Did you know?  'Stars & Stripes Forever' is the official march of the United States
 (U.S. Code, Title 36, Section 304)

More Phillips Heritage:

    Tommy Birch: Phillips Chronicles 1926-1990
For a hardcopy send $3 to PHS Alumni Association, P.O. Box 1710,
                        Borger TX 79008
                        Bryan Hampton's Memory -- sold out
    Phillips Memories 1926-1985
    Photos of 1957 PHS football game from Kenneth Jackson on
    Video of Phillips  -- Then and Now
                        Compiled by Linda Darnell '63 and Sharon Darnell '65
    1964 PHS Yearbook Scanned by Sharon Darnell '65
    1965 PHS Yearbook Scanned by Sharon Darnell '65
    1948, 1951-1960, and 1974-1977 PHS Yearbooks are on the Facebook page: You know you're from Phillips when...
    Another Facebook page for PHS alums is: Phillips Texas Kids
    Stained Glass and Railroad Tracks:

Memories elsewhere on the Web:
Songs on the Jukebox 1950-1982: These songs will play in the background as you do other work on your computer.
Top 20 songs for each year on the Jukebox 1940's - 1999 at The Music Room:
TV As it was...: A trip down memory lane from the 1950's to the 1970's
Cars to remember: Antique & Classic Cars 1902-1970's
More cars to remember mostly from the '50's and '60's
Photos & music from the 1940's and 1950's
Lost in the '50's

Send in your memories NOW!
All email addresses have @ replaced with _AT_ to discourage spam. Webpage updated: 9 June 2021