PHS mascot: Phillips Blackhawks

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PHS mascot: Phillips Blackhawks


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Memories: Postings 30-60

[from the original website; lightly edited. Listed in reverse order]

From my experience, if Miss Boyd liked you, you could do no wrong (I was a teacher's pet) and if she didn't like you, you could do no right. Riddick Grooters (a good friend now deceased) was on her bad side. Once while taking her test, Riddick erased an answer and accidentally knocked the eraser off the desk, bouncing on the floor in front of Miss Boyd. She screamed! and jumped FLAT FOOTED over over a desk into the next aisle, claiming Riddick had turned loose a mouse! Well, no explaining would suffice, so Riddick and his "eraser mouse" were sent to JIK's office and Riddick was expelled for three days!

Class of '76. I'll never forget the time I took a smoke bomb out of my stepdad's work things and took it to school. This was not an ordinary smoke bomb, it was one of those industrial kind, it looked like a stick of dynamite. Well one day as we were going into Mrs. Moulton's English class, someone {I won't say who} set the smoke bomb off in the hall underneath one of those huge swamp coolers they had at the end of the hall. We had no idea how much smoke that thing would put out. When we went in class Mrs. Moulton shut her door like she always did. A few minutes later, smoke started coming in those windows they had at the top of the rooms from the hall way. They had to evacuate the school. We ran scared for a few days after that, but no one ever said a thing about it. I guess that was one we got away with.

Miss Noel's Biology Class. On the first day of class, 1963, I was the last to arrive. That gave me the distinct honor of being "partnered" with Carl Reed for dissecting assignments. We were instructed NOT TO REMOVE PARTS OF CRITTERS FROM THE CLASSROOM. That means absolutely nothing to a boy making straight A's, so Carl helped himself to "our worm's" innards. Of course, even with the points we had taken off, he still aced the class...I didn't fare so well, but I'll never forget Carl.

Still remember when we were in Science Class and Miss Smith was putting her nose on the glass and looking at us as we misbehaved. Tim snuck around and hit the glass on the door... I think it was funny for all of us but Tim at that time.... :)

Just to salve my battered ego (my picture is not included in the Class of 1965), I moved to Lubbock at the end of my first semester of Senior year...I volunteered to do this in order to leave a blank spot for the center of the 6. However, I did receive my diploma and graduate from good ol' PHS, with great memories of a wonderful time!

In response to earlier postings, the Blackhawk Band did participate in the 1967 Cotton Bowl and marched in the Cotton Bowl parade. I remember Linda Culver leading us for 20 blocks through the streets of the Texas State Fairgrounds and Mr. Robbins marching right next to me as we played the "Washington Post" march. The teams that played were SMU and Georgia. I mention this only because my brothers, Tom and Lynn Railsback, both played in the SMU band, so all three of us were on the field together; a truly great memory.

I would like to thank someone for giving me credit for the skinned rabbit. But I was not the one with the excellent imagination to get a passing grade. I spent the following summer with Mrs. Arthur in summer school to pass Junior English for the second semester. Thanks anyway, but someone else should get the credit.

I am the one who put the rubber snake in Mrs. Hudson's desk drawer. After she saw it, she would not open the drawer and I finally got brave enough to ask for it back. She allowed me to retrieve it and nothing was ever said about it. Guess it was just my lucky day to not visit Mr. Kimmins again.

Miss Noel and biology! A funny thing happened on the day we were supposed to dissect some kind of critter. The always prompt Miss Noel was late for class and Scott Dickerman and I were chasing each other around the room with the black board erasers. You know what a nice white stripe they made on the backside of your jeans. I went running out the door and almost knocked Miss Noel down. So Scott and I spent the next few weeks in Mr. Kimmins' back room at biology class time. The funniest part is my brother got kicked out of her class EXACTLY 5 years earlier. He was squeezing liquid from the fish he was to dissect and she kicked him out for being vulgar.

On the first day of class in Miss Boyd's class she had everyone sign their names to a sheet so she could know who each student was. She would look at the person and say their name to help her learn each face and name. When she got to my name she read it and looked at me and said "Are you Randall's brother?" "Yes," I replied. She just shook her head and said "Oh, no." I guess that was my invitation to summer school.

I left the secure environment of Phillips more than 40-years-ago. Recently, a Phillips Petroleum Company employee and customer found out that my late father had worked for Phillips for nearly 40-years. This man returned and presented me with a number of promotional Phillips items; i.e., cap, woven shirt, pen, flashlight, etc., all embossed with the famous Phillips logo. This really shook me up because I hadn't thought about my father very much in recent years. I remember his demeanor, sweat and toil in his effort to support our family during the peaks and valleys of those Phillips, Texas days. I can still see my wonderful father walking from our house to the gasoline plant wearing his hard hat, overalls, boots and swinging his black metal lunch box. One night, after our football game, I had a date and borrowed the family car. We were sitting in the car in the parking lot of the Phillips Community Hall during a dance, talking about the "Texas Panhandle weather", when my father suddenly walked by on his way home! He didn't look in our direction (I thought) and the next day I believed that he might have forgotten about it. While he was reading his newspaper, he blurted out, "You know, son, many good Phillips young people might just end up going to Hell by just parking their parents' cars outside that community hall, instead of staying inside and socializing!". That was all he said about the matter. This experience motivated me to promptly buy my first car and not park anywhere in Phillips.

As the top scholastic student in her class that year, Mrs. Weston had me sit in a chair at the front of the room while each of my classmates filed by to shake my hand and offer words of heartfelt congratulations, as only second graders could do. When Mona came by, she shook my hand, looked me straight in the eye with her own, narrowed, burning gaze, and hissed, "The only reason you won this is because your daddy is principal!" Yes, Mona did apologize at our 25th although it was unnecessary: I forgave her a long time ago! It soon became one of those funny, childhood stories you never forget. However, since I could never top her in anything after that, I do like to bring it up every once in a while to make her feel badly!

I remember wonderful times at the Phillips Swimming Pool. In fact many things happened there. I won't go into detail about some of the events, there were many. If you had a key, life became even more interesting, as we would open during late night hours for friends to go "nite swimmin". One night, the sheriff drove up and my best friend and I ended up climbing up on the top of the basket room roof and laying flat as he shined the lights all over. My father would have murdered me if I had been caught. Luckily we escaped and made a clean getaway and took the "shortcut" home. I could not wait until the pool opened each summer to model my new bathing suit and of course my designer bathing cap (required in those days). Getting a tan was usually a top priority with my friends and me. We usually mixed a concoction of baby oil and iodine for maximum tanning. I would also love it when guys would pull you over the "rope", sometimes so hard you would do a double flip! I can smell the chlorine now! Great days at the Phillips Pool and I had the honor of working there two summers.

In 1962 Miss Boyd's English had to write a long essay. Being the stickler that she was, it counted for a large portion of that semester. Most everyone that year flunked and had to take a summer course. The only individual to get an Excellent grade was Junior Beasly. Since we had to do it up right and bind it, he went out and skinned a rabbit and put it on it. She would not touch it and he got the best grade on it. Rest of us aced Summer School. What ever you may say about Miss Boyd, bet you are able to spell better than your coworkers

I was in the band that marched in the Cotton Bowl in 1960. I wasn't aware that a band went there later on. Like you, I thought it was the greatest honor ever. Our band was one of five Texas bands invited to participate. I was disappointed that we didn't get to participate in the Cotton Bowl Parade and be on TV because it was raining. It was great fun any way.

How many band members remember marching in the Cotton Bowl in 1965 or was it 1966? We made up a very small section of the United States. Both Mr. Robbins and Mrs. Creel were great and I know my excitement was off the Richter scale.

Speaking of Jolly Drug, I remember in the summer climbing the huge hill that the railroad track was on top of to get to Jolly Drug to buy comic books and candy and climbing down it on the way back home. I also remember going to the canyon close to where the McKennas' lived and walking or scooting across a pipeline with a long drop beneath. Of course, I am the little girl whose neighbors would call my Mother and say, "Your little girl is on the roof of your house again".

The Past Time Club was a favorite place to lose time in. I remember being there with some older guys when Lucky answered the phone and yelled that that someone named Kimmins wanted to speak with anyone there from Phillips. We were gone in about 4 seconds. Didn't go back for two weeks.

I remember selling coke bottles (sometimes we had to 'borrow' the bottles from a neighbor's back porch) to get 10 cents to go swimming and another 15 cents to get a coke and candy bar afterwards at Cut Rate Foods. How could so much life and fun be crammed into such a small little town? Remember going on the all-day bus trip with Mr. Kimmins to the Plains (or Panhandle?) Museum in Canyon, then to Thompson Park in Amarillo to eat your sack lunch and swim? The bus ride home after that seemed to last 7 hours! Wish I could do it just one more time.....

If you remember Jolly's you can not forget the Post, or Cone and Burger, or the Jet. You probably went to the Pantex and ordered fries or the "Round the Clock." Perhaps you were in one of the Girls Clubs or OFA_AFO. You spent one summer getting bugs for Mrs. Noel's science class and Jesse Martin with his parrot. Yes, I remember Harvest Moon Balls and Christmas Formals and going to the Morley for the movie afterwards. Some might even spent the night in the park until the water sprinklers came on and you spent the rest of the morning on the church lawn. Of course the fair was the highlight of the summer then off to two-a-days and school right behind. Life at Phillips was unique.

Having your dress measured - more than 3" above the knee would get you sent home to change - and this was when the rest of the world's female population was barely covering their panties. We all became experts at rolling and unrolling the waistbands of our skirts, depending upon where we were in the building and the probability of running into Mr. K and/or a teacher that paid attention to that kind of thing! And jeans, actually even pants, for girls were blasphemous. My 16 year old niece can't believe I wasn't allowed to wear pants to school. She laughs out loud( as she leaves for school in a tank top and ripped jeans)

Who could forget Ms. Dynes in Home Ec.? She'd always make us use stuff in the frig that had a coating of cooties and I'm sure it could have cured some terrible disease. Mrs. Thompson in sewing class was my favorite - she always said my hems were "as crooked as a dog's hind leg". She also had the greatest ability at threading a needle. She hit the eye every time on the first try.

Does anybody recall spending a few hours and quarters at the Past Time Club in Borger, shooting snooker or pool? My older brother often went there after telling our folks that he was going to the library to study. I decided that I would attempt that stunt one time. I'll never know how my dad found out, but he showed up there and caught me red-handed and red faced.

Recently, I was visiting with Sherry Bugg Hopkins who supervised the swimming pool until it was shut down. She told me a couple of interesting stories. As most of us know, night swimming at the pool was a favorite prank. Sherry said that one time the pump in the swimming pool malfunctioned for nearly three weeks until they finally extracted a girl's swimming suit from it. Sherry later learned who the girl was and that she had actually lost her swimming suit while night swimming……… hmmm… I wonder what the rest of that story is??

Another story Sherry told me was about her lifeguards playing a prank on her. Somehow, they had tied a dummy to the drain at the bottom of the swimming pool. They then began frantically yelling at Sherry. Sherry said that the site shocked her so much that she became sick and vomited several times. In between her convulsions, she managed to tell the lifeguards to run and call 911. However, as she was telling them this, they all broke up into hysterical laughter.

Talking about Mr. Goeoge's History class. Did you know that he never changed his way of teaching? I got hold of my Aunt's History notebooks from 6 years ahead of me, and I could copy right from her notebook word for word. Even the test questions were the same question for question. It was nice to know I didn't have to hurry trying to get everything copied off the boards before the end of class. If anyone failed his class, it was their own fault since he gave us all the questions that were going to be on the tests each week. Not too many teachers out there like Mr. George.

Mr. George's History Classes - there was fear struck in the heart of every freshman with the words, "If you drop your pencil, you're 2 weeks behind." You are so right, we need a whole bunch of Mr. George teachers today. There are many, many teachers from Phillips who could teach some of today's teachers a thing or two. We were so very fortunate.

Yes, I, too, remember attending Boy Scout Troop 66 and Explorer Post 66 meetings in the basement of the old Phillips Methodist Church. When the old PHS building burned, the school library was moved to the same basement and I remember paying more attention to the racks of books than I did to the meetings. I remember Mr. Howard as a scoutmaster. The incredible Ed Pierce was my favorite scout leader. This man had more positive influence on me as much as any Phillips school teacher. We took trips to Philmont Scout Ranch, Taos, N.M. (I recall our entire troop dancing with some of the Taos Pueblo Indians in the town square), Southwestern Colorado and a big trip to Mexico City. Oh yes, I also remember the weekend campouts to Camp Kiowa. As an adult, I served as a cubmaster and scoutmaster for a number of years and never forgot positive lessons learned in that Phillips Methodist Church basement.

Continue on to Memories Page 3

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