PHS mascot: Phillips Blackhawks

Phillips High School
Alumni Association
P.O. Box 1710, Borger TX 79008

PHS mascot: Phillips Blackhawks


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PHS Class of 1962

Billy Don Briscoe


Billy Don & Liz Briscoe

I’ve lived in a number of towns after leaving Phillips, but primarily we raised our family in Odessa and Wichita Falls. I received my Bachelor’s degree from West Texas A & M and earned my Master’s from S. W. Oklahoma State. Most of my work years, twenty-seven, were spent with State Farm Insurance, nine years as an agent and eighteen in management.  Upon retirement we moved to Canyon.   

         Growing up in Phillips impacted my life in many ways. The community and school empowered me to think I could be successful with any endeavor I chose. I remember getting on the wrong side of Mr. Hayes and Mr. Kimmins a few times, and they convinced me my attitude needed to improve. Their “counseling” changed my behavior for the better.


One lasting memory of my junior year. The Blackhawks played Lawton High at their place. The team suited out in a “dungeon” under their old stadium. The temperature was 60 degrees below zero . . . well, maybe not that cold, but it felt like it. I have managed to keep in touch with Ken Hunt, Ray Robbins, Martha Kirkpatrick Smith, and Delmar Baldwin. These classmates had a positive influence on me. Each was a good role model. 

            Lastly, I have a great family, Liz, my wife of forty-two years and daughters Brook and Blythe. Brook, our younger daughter, received her Bachelor’s degree from the University of Oklahoma and her Master’s from Ole Miss. Blythe, the older, is a graduate of Baylor University and the mother of our only grandchild, Chloe. She will be in the first grade next year. One last comment . . . Chloe is smarter than “all” of us.


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