PHS mascot: Phillips Blackhawks

Phillips High School
Alumni Association
P.O. Box 1710, Borger TX 79008

PHS mascot: Phillips Blackhawks


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PHS Class of 1962

Harvey Hilbert

Above: Harvey & Sandra, 2007
Below: Harvey & Sandra, 2012

I lived in Phillips for three years after I graduated, attending Frank Phillips College while working for Chem Lab. Then I got a job at the Copolymer Rubber plant.

I met Sandra Morrison at Frank Phillips College. We married in 1965. We have two children, a son Mark who lives in Billings, Montana with 4 daughters and our daughter Christy who lives in Amarillo with her daughter.

Phillips was a good community to grow up in with great friends. I remember fondly those years of roaming through the canyons and working on cars. I also remember the trip the band took to the Cotton Bowl and watching the movie Ben Hur. It was a lot of fun.

My jobs with Phillips Petroleum lasted until I retired when I was 56. We had bought a print shop, H&H Printing, between jobs at Copolymer and Philtex. We had the print shop for 25 years. After I retired from Phillips I went to work for my wife at the print shop.

I joined Rotary in Borger 12 years ago. Without the print shop, I can now volunteer at Meals on Wheels and projects with Rotary.

Sandra and I love to travel. We have taken two cruises to Alaska, one trip to Hawaii, and a cruise in the Baltic. Later on we traveled to Australia and New Zealand and took a river cruise in Germany. The last trip we took was to Ireland and Scotland.



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