PHS mascot: Phillips Blackhawks

Phillips High School
Alumni Association
P.O. Box 1710, Borger TX 79008

PHS mascot: Phillips Blackhawks


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PHS Class of 1962

Sandra Roscoe Stiles


Leaving Phillips for the unknown was a big step after graduating.  Bob and I moved to the big city of Fort Worth TX.  Due to his job we lived all over Texas but in 1964 we ended up in Little Rock AR where our daughter Theresa was born. It was time to buy a house and settle down so that was when Fort Worth became my home. My two sons were born there: Donald in1968 and Todd in1970.  My full attention went to raising them and being a stay at home mom. I was a room-mother and scout leader. I went to baseball practices and games and was the neighborhood chauffeur.   

A life change led me to find a job. In 1977 I went to work for a Fort Worth Communication Co. In April 2009 I retired from Verizon Wireless with 32 years of service. After retiring I have gone on several cruises to Mexico and this last year went to Alaska. My big adventure was a trip to Switzerland which was so beautiful and a great experience.  I am proud to be a part of the group of nine girls from our '62 class who get together every two years to catch up on our lives and grand kids. We have had great fun in Florida, Washington DC, Asheville, NC, Red River, NM and all over the Big State of Texas. Church and lunch friends also keep me busy.


All of my kids are married and live close, so I have enjoyed watching the grandchildren grow up.  Michella (20-UT Arl) and Kailey (18-Baylor) are in college.  Malorie (15-our sports person) will be a Sophomore in HS and plays a mean game of Basketball. Still have two little ones Emma (7, 2nd grade) who found out what school was all about this year and loves it. She is also playing soccer. Then we finally had our BOY, Mason. He’s 3 and he stays busy playing with his dump trucks and dinosaurs. They are all such a delight and I am so blessed. 

To this day I feel we were so lucky to grow up in Phillips, a safe community with caring people. Big memories for me were football games, band contests, the honor of being the drum major of the Blackhawk Band, Friday night dances and Post Drive-In, where we all got together and had good clean fun. We were so lucky to be a a part of a school system that cared if we were in school, what we wore and how we acted. We were good kids and always strived to be better. Times have really changed. 

Those of you who are attending the Reunion, have a great time. I’m eager to read your stories.  Bless our Class of 1962 and all of your families.



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