PHS mascot: Phillips Blackhawks

Phillips High School
Alumni Association
P.O. Box 1710, Borger TX 79008

PHS mascot: Phillips Blackhawks


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Photo from the 1930's


Frank Phillips 1873-1950

Letter from Frank Phillips
expressing gratitude for changing
names of Whittenburg and Pantex  to Phillips TX, 1938


Going to town even once a week could be an adventure as this 1931 photo of the Fritch 'highway' shows.

Old Phillips downtown: view of Beauty Service, Phillips Cafe; looking toward 66 Theatre
Photo courtesy of Dorinne Moss

Front of home of John Moss, Pharmacist/Owner Tom & John Pharmacy
Photo courtesy of Dorinne Moss

Side view of home of John Moss family
Photo courtesy of Dorinne Moss

Submit your photos: a maximum of 6 photos of general interest [focus on groups/faces]
 No larger than 600x800 pixels to webmaster via email. Please provide information on photographer, subject(s), date.


All email addresses have @ replaced with _AT_ to discourage spam. Webpage updated: 17 Oct 2015