PHS mascot: Phillips Blackhawks

Phillips High School
Alumni Association
P.O. Box 1710, Borger TX 79008

PHS mascot: Phillips Blackhawks


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Pictures from the 1950's

Mrs. Wheeler's Classroom: Class of 1970

Mrs. Wheeler's Classroom: Class of 1970

Mrs. Wheeler's Classroom: Class of 1970

Mrs. Wheeler's Classroom: Class of 1970

7th grade volleyball team: Class of 1964

7th Grade Volleyball: Class of 1964

Sunday School, Methodist Church, Phillips TX

Intermediate Sunday School class for PHS '60, Methodist Church, Phillips TX
Photo by R.H. Cochran from estate of Carol Sue Martindale

Cub Scouts, Phillips TX

Submit your photos: a maximum of 6 photos of general interest [focus on groups/faces]
Approx. 600x800 pixels to webmaster via email. Please provide information on photographer, subject(s), date.

Youth Group, Methodist Church, Phillips TX


Kids' Day 1958

Kids' Day 1958

Beginning Band students from Class of 1964

Junior High Twirlers from Classes of 1963 and 1964

Over the Garden Wall 1950 -- Class of '62
Mrs. Lister's & Mrs. Adams' First Grade Classes
Peter Rabbit 1950 -- Class of '62
l-r: Clinton Brown, Linda Boykin, Kahra Dake, Anita Flinn and Harvey Hilbert as Peter. Miss Bisbee at the piano.


Borger News, May 16, 1955


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