PHS mascot: Phillips Blackhawks

Phillips High School
Alumni Association
P.O. Box 1710, Borger TX 79008

PHS mascot: Phillips Blackhawks


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Pictures from the 1950's Page 2

Mr. Adkins filming Kids' Day 1958

Kids' Day 1958

1958 Senior Trip to Colorado

1958 Senior Trip to Colorado

1958 Senior Trip to Colorado

1958 Senior Trip to Colorado

Cal Farley & grandson vacationing at Royal Gorge;
1958 Senior Trip to Colorado. Photo by Richard Kelly.

Mr. Kimmins laughing with students;
1958 Senior Trip to Colorado.

Grade School Play Class of 1957

Grade School Play Class of 1957


1956 Senior Trip to Seven Falls, Colorado
Photo courtesy of Rinky Chivers

Troop 88 sponsored by Phillips Men's Club
Scout Masters (Top row left side 1st. don't know, 2nd Mack Davis, bottom row 3rd Mr Upchurch)
I think the names of several of the boys (not in order): James Pumphrey, Donald May, Jay Jones, David Cochran, Michael & Steve Upchurch, Paul Scroggins, Duke McNeese, Gordon Combs
Photo courtesy of David Cochran

Coach Dick Jackson 1956
Photo courtesy estate of Carol Sue Martindale

Prom 1956: Melvin Webb, Carol Sue Martindale, Gail Bennefield, Voyn Orr
Photo by J.T. Record courtesy estate of Carol Sue Martindale

Boys B Basketball team 1953
Photo by J.T. Record courtesy estate of Carol Sue Martindale

1955 Football Schedule
Courtesy estate of Carol Sue Martindale


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 Approx. 600x800 pixels to webmaster via email. Please provide information on photographer, subject(s), date.


All email addresses have @ replaced with _AT_ to discourage spam. Webpage updated: 8 August 2020