PHS mascot: Phillips Blackhawks

Phillips High School
Alumni Association
P.O. Box 1710, Borger TX 79008

PHS mascot: Phillips Blackhawks


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PHS Current Photos


Mo Creel PHS 55 does a splendid job of getting Central Texas and surrounding areas PHS Alums together during the year with quarterly luncheons. These photos from Richard Kelly PHS 58 are from some recent get-togethers.

Above: May 2011 Luncheon
Left: September 2010 Luncheon
Below Left: May 2011 Luncheon
Below Right: September 2010 Luncheon

Becky Spradlin Cochran PHS 66: I live in Navajo Dam, NM, which is 30 miles south of Durango, CO., and 30 miles north of Farmington, NM., on the famous San Juan River.  Governor of New Mexico Bill Richardson  appointed me to the New Mexico Medical Board.  I am Director of Medical Staff at San Juan Regional Medical Center in Farmington, NM.   . . . and single (David and I divorced in 1998) but have three children and six grandchildren together. The photo shows me enjoying being in the Rocky Mountains.


Blackhawks help Mrs. Erma Martindale Whittet celebrate her 100th birthday on May 27, 2009. Mrs. Whittet, a very popular teacher, taught second and third grades at Phillips from 1942-1965.

Front row, kneeling and seated: Jake Webb ‘56, Erma Martindale Whittet,  Sammy Gaines ‘57

Second row: Ellen Quisenberry Geisler ’56, Deanna Hatley Hargis ‘56, Brenda Mahan Collins ’72, Barbara Wilson Richmond ’56, Mary Anne Ewing Seale ’60, Tracy Don Hogan ’55, Lona Dean Shields Howard ’56, Joyce Allen Valentine ’56, Sadie Beth Ewing Smallwood ’56

Third row: Richard Wood ’56, Aubrey “Judge” Perry ’56, Barbara Sue Groves Johnson ’57, Gary Anderson ’56, Joyce “Rinky” Chivers Sanders ’56, De Traver Ladyman ’56, David Bennefield ’57, Joe Wimmer ’56

Present, not pictured: Mary Ann Campbell Poling ’56


David Cochran PHS 64 says:
I graduated from Phillips High in 1964.  I have been in the school business for over 42 years.  I served as a superintendent of schools for over 18 years.  I am retired from that and just work as an assistant principal.  I was working at Harmony ISD last summer [2007] and had a bad motorcycle wreck on my way to school .  I got a helicopter ride to the hospital and had to spend 4 months in the hospital.  I am up and going strong.



All email addresses have @ replaced with _AT_ to discourage spam. Webpage updated: 7 July 2011