PHS mascot: Phillips Blackhawks

Phillips High School
Alumni Association
P.O. Box 1710, Borger TX 79008

PHS mascot: Phillips Blackhawks


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Reunion Pictures 1

Volleyball Team Reunion

Basketball Team Reunion

Volleyball Team Reunion: 1996

Basketball Team Reunion: 1998

Class of 1973 reunion

Class of 1973 Reunion: 1986

Class of 1971: 30 Year Reunion

Class of 1975: 25 year reunion

Cheerleaders Reunion 2001

Class of 1975: 25 Year Reunion

Cheerleaders Reunion: 2001

Class of 1963 reunion

Class of 1963 Reunion

Class of 1975: 30 Year Reunion
l-r: Jaree, Brenda, Steve, Neta, Joel, Mona, Gordon, and Robin

Class of 1962 (mostly): 2007 Reunion
Front row l-r: Sharon Flinn, Anita Flinn, Linda Boykin, Linda Lookadoo, Martha Kirkpatrick, Carol Stidham
Middle row l-r: Marjo Hettick, Vernell Platts, Pete Perry, Joana Garner, Carl Laughery
Top row: Harvey Hilbert, Ray Robbins, Bill Briscoe, Robert Richardson

Class of 1959: 2009 Reunion -- Happy 50th!

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 via email. Please provide information on photographer, subject(s), date.


All email addresses have @ replaced with _AT_ to discourage spam. Webpage updated: 6 September 2022